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>Wow, Where Did the Week Go?

>Thanksgiving was nice and relaxed which was much welcomed after the crazy, busy “ASL in the Raw” night. I slept in and putzed around till 4:00 when Paquita and I joined Rachel, Chuck & Lauren where they treated me to an awesome dinner from Fresh Direct. A little Guitar Hero and pumpkin pie capped off the night. Perfection.

ASL in the Raw’s second show on Friday night was pretty much a sell out. There were a few empty seats by the DJ but no one could really sit there. I met so many great people and hope to see them at future NY Deaf Professional Happy Hour events and poetry slams.

The “Meat & Potatoes Show” rocked. It was really uplifiting and I left feeling like I had just been a part of something bigger. I hope they have continued success!

Meanwhile, I’ll be performing at Ochi’s Lounge on “The Family Hour with Auntie Sara” every Friday at 7:00 and on Monday, December 3rd on “Slumber Party” at 8:00.
