>The New World was beautiful and quiet. Not much happens so don’t expect an epic tale…just lovely sights and sounds…kind of like listening to my nature CDs. By tomorrow, I’ll have forgotten all about it. I have a hard time watching movies about the discovery of America. The Indians and their mistreatment…the land and how it’s now filled with strip malls and billboards. It just makes me sad. But, boy, New York is great, huh?!?
I’m all scanned out. Half of the pictures I came across are of my dad making out with some random chick. The other half are of me working. Seriously… hammering, shoveling, chopping, burning…those fu*kers worked the hell out of me. Love, Daddy, my ass.
As a special treat, here is a picture of my dad getting stoned which I salvaged from a negative.
Next book I’m going to read: The Year of Magical Thinking. Any recommendations after that?