>Breathe! It’s Over! Breathe!
>We slept till NOON we were so exhausted from last night’s Oscar party. This year we had 200 in attendance –woah, that’s a lot of ballots to score!– and a major panic crisis to kick things off when the CABLE WENT OUT!!! I downed two beers and had a minor meltdown in the green room bathroom, slipped the Time Warner guy $50, a bottle of champagne and some tickets for shows and VOILA! It was fixed just after 7:00. About 40 minutes after we were supposed to open the doors so it was very hectic and stressful from that point out. Ah well, at least it went on after that.
Sean McCarthy wrote up a nice re-cap along with video taken a the top of the event. You can see me and Sara on the far left furiously grading the tons of trivia entries we received.
Breathe, Kambri, breathe.