これらは中古品ですが、良好な状態です。洗濯、乾燥済みですので、すぐにご着用いただけます。 ベルクロ部分に若干の傷みはありますが、まだ完全に機能します。 ご検討の際は写真をご覧ください。 These are pre-owned items in good condition. It has been washed and dried, can wear it immediately. There is some minor wear the velcro, but it is still fully functional. Please look carefully at the photos.
楽天新価格 [New price on Rakuten]:19800円(写真参照 Please see photo)
Vibram FiveFingers ビブラムファイブフィンガーズ V-Aqua 18W7301 3.7ミリのアウトソールで超裸足感覚なアクアシューズが2019年春に日本初上陸します。グリップ力の高いメガグリップを水が抜けるように加工し、アッパーも極薄素材で作られているので、濡れてもすぐに乾きます。カヤック、沢登り、カヌーなど様々なアクアスポーツで活躍します。 Vibram Five Fingers V-Aqua 18W7301 3.7mm outsole that give you a barefoot feel . Mega Grip has been allows water to escape. It is good for kayaking, mountain climbing, canoeing.
アッパー素材Polyester mesh not absorbing 中敷素材2 mm EVA insole with Silicon Treatment ソール素材3.7 mm Megagrip Outsole w drainage perforations 重さ~120g 色Black 洗濯 / 乾燥Machine Wash Cold/Air Dry
パッケージは支払い完了後48時間以内に発送されます。 The package will be shipped within 48 hours …
These are pre-owned items in good condition. It has been washed and dried, can wear it immediately.
There is some minor wear the velcro, but it is still fully functional.
Please look carefully at the photos.
楽天新価格 [New price on Rakuten]:19800円(写真参照 Please see photo)
Vibram FiveFingers ビブラムファイブフィンガーズ V-Aqua 18W7301
Vibram Five Fingers V-Aqua 18W7301
3.7mm outsole that give you a barefoot feel . Mega Grip has been allows water to escape. It is good for kayaking, mountain climbing, canoeing.
アッパー素材Polyester mesh not absorbing
中敷素材2 mm EVA insole with Silicon Treatment
ソール素材3.7 mm Megagrip Outsole w drainage perforations
洗濯 / 乾燥Machine Wash Cold/Air Dry
The package will be shipped within 48 hours …