即日発送いたします。This unique and super compact cruiser shape checks in at 28.2″ long by 8.3″ wide. Besides looking cool, the Coffin shape is super functional as it puts the widest parts of the board under your front heel and back toe, meaning you have tons of leverage on both rails without having to move your feet much. The Dinghy Coffin is pressed with 7 plies of Canadian maple for a light, stiff and poppy ride. It comes set up with Polar Bear 105mm trucks for maximum agility and a super tight turning circle. 63mm 78a Fatty Hawgs wheels finish off the setup and ensure you’ll have a smooth ride with plenty of roll speed and grip without having to worry about wheelbite.参考価格$179.99+国際送料+税ランドヤッツのディンギーシリーズは世界で一番売れているミニクルーザーです。海外輸送の際、梱包材は多少破損している場合がありますリピート様割引-¥1000 コメントしてください。