>Last night’s shows were terrific! There was a nice crowd, I wrangled three press peeps — two reviewers and the comedy editor for a major mag — and no rats showed up!
Check out this week’s US Weekly Fashion Police. Yep, that’s Ballyhoo Promotions client Ophira Eisenberg as a contributing “Top Cop”.
Tonight is the taping of a new episode of Premium Blend aired on Comedy Central featuring the aforementioned Ophira and another Ballyhoo Promotions client, Allison Castillo. Wish them well, but they’re gonna rock no matter what!
I won’t be able to hang out too long at their after party because I have to go home and pack for my weekend excursion to Atlantic City. I’ve heard it’s a sad, miserable dump of a place, but I don’t care. I’m psyched for the free limo to and from, a healthy per diem, a free hotel room at the Tropicana and gambling. What more could a girl want?!
Happy New Year, my Jewish friends.