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>After finally getting away for a short trip to Providence last weekend, I was reminded of just how important some R&R is. So, I promised myself I would spend at least Sunday doing something relaxing or fun or both away from my computer & phone. Today’s weather was *almost* nice enough to merit a trip to Central Park — just a bit too nippy for my taste — but good enough for a jaunt up to the roof where we played cards and read the paper with Paquita, the sun and NYC skyline.

Comedy Central gave Christian a set of these nifty speakers and we have our roll up picnic table and new vinyl backed blanket to enjoy. Plus at the end of Summer last year, I got a cute, cheap little table that spikes into the ground with notches for wine glasses. Warmer weather can’t get here soon enough!

But the upside of Winter: Long, hot baths rule. Mmmmmm.