All Blog Entries,  NYC

Aug 14, 2002

I love it when the train comes round the bend just as my feet touch the platform. Timing, as they say, is everything. Well, I’ve been on a lucky streak with my commute, having had impeccable timing over and over again. It has been so hot outside and after a brisk 7 minute walk in the oppresive heat, it is such a relief to know air conditioning is only seconds away. The next best thing is finding a seat because I like to write in my journal during my travels. I’ve been pretty lucky with that, too.

This morning proved no different. I climbed the last stair just as the train was coming to a screeeeeeeching halt and quickly found the only available spot next to this young, tough-looking kid with headphones blaring some Eminem. Problem. There was a small pool of water right in the center of my seat. Bummer. Not having napkins or tissues of any kind for the first time in months, I was resigned to sitting precariously on the edge with my journal balanced on my lap. That’s when this stranger, now seatmate, stepped in on my behalf. Without saying a word, he fished around in his bag for at least a minute until he pulled out a crumpled old Dunkin Donuts napkin and wiped my seat dry and clean for me. Now THAT is what I call cool.