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May 22, 2003

One lunchtime trek garnered me these little tidbits:

* I do not like carnations. At all. Au natural and especially dyed.
* I like Gerber daisies and peonies and irises and lilies and most other flowers.
* I do not like it when my change is given to me with the bills on bottom and coins on top.
* I like it when I catch people’s gazes in reflections.
* I like “secret”, underground passageways on rainy days.
* Very obese and, therefore, large breasted women should not rest their tits on a table. Even when that table is in a booth in McDonald’s. If having ones elbows on the table is a show of bad manners, then resting ones elephantine appendages there certainly is, too.

That is all for now, thank you for reading.

Jack’s Back
Jack to me noticing my bag o’ food from McDonald’s: “McDonald’s!?!? You’re not a McDonald’s person.”
Me: “I know, but I’m going out tonight and need something fattening.”
Jack: “I’ll give you something fattening.”

Boy, is he sharp.