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Big Brother

In this City of 8 million, it is virtually impossible not to be a voyeur. With apartments built merely feet apart, views often consist of alleyways and other apartments. When I first moved to New York, I was a bit paranoid while walking around the living room thinking I was being watched at all times. It’s a real life giant episode of Big Brother. Greg has a view of Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell’s penthouse. Sheila’s rooftop garden peers directly into David Bowie & Iman’s deluxe apartment in the sky to reveal an amazing art collection and very expensive track lighting. I, however, have a view of Asian porn among other things. I realize that window treatments are expensive. As a renter, I have a hard time parting with my money to buy drapes and blinds for windows that I don’t own — windows are rarely the same when one moves. The young man directly across from my bedroom apparently feels the same way. Being ever resourceful, he has adhered his favorite collection of nude Asian women to his window panes. Now why didn’t I think of that?!?!

A couple of years into my stay here, I have become fixated on the activities of my neighbors. There is…

— The older Asian woman who uses a squeaky laundry line to hang her damp clothes (mainly t-shirts) to dry high above the alley.
— The young hip couple who sit for hours at their table in a bare kitchen smoking and drinking coffee.
— The large white man who showers with a shower cap (?$%&#*!) and uses a loofah religiously.
— The young couple who used to watch adult movies but now watch strictly cartoons and sports since the addition of a baby.
— The three generations of Indians living in a one bedroom apartment. Side note: Apparently at a certain age, Indian women are allowed to shed virtually ALL garb. Eeeww.

So it seems that unlike shows with poor Nielsen Ratings, New Yorkers go about their business regardless of the number of viewers.