All Blog Entries,  NYC

Give Me Two Sticks

Working from home presents challenges. “Challenges” are represented in the following Exhibits A and B:

Ren Beggar

Trying to work around Exhibits A & B is like trying to wrap a gift with tissue paper during a tornado. I found a possible solution, however, and if you’ve followed my blog for any number of years, you’ll never guess where I was today…

…with Jack. Remember him? He’s the attorney I worked with in Rockefeller Center when I first moved to NYC whose hilarious (or inappropriate to some) office banter kept me from hating the 9-to-5 grind. Jack & his partner have their own law firm now and offered me one of his empty offices at Penn Plaza next to Madison Square Garden whenever I needed it. Jack recently said about me, “I swear, I could give you two sticks and you’d tape them together and find water.” So I found some “water” in the form of prime office space in Manhattan for free. Yes…NYC real estate gratis!

This is my view. That’s lower Manhattan and the Hudson River. It’s hard to see with my crappy camera but that’s the Statue of Liberty on the island between the World Trade Center and New Jersey. And the office is quiet. Oh so quiet that you could hear a mouse fart three floors down. Ahhhhh…heaven.

I’m so out of the pattern of getting up to go into an office* that it took me two hours to get ready this morning. I had no appropriate shirts to conceal my Exhibit Cs and only one pair of clean, pressed slacks. I packed two giant bags of stuff…laptops, chargers, phones, notebooks…afraid that I wouldn’t have something I needed. How did I do this every day? And get to work by 9:00 AM? What an ungodly hour. I got in by 11:00 and was sufficiently spent and sweaty, overloaded with bags, no food in my stomach but still, somehow, got some coffee and logged on to the internet to stream CNN coverage of the Casey Anthony trial. Kambri translated must mean a real mensch.**

Hopefully this office space will whip me back into a more productive shape. At the very least it means I will shower and brush my teeth more often. I’m gonna try it again on Friday.***

*A real one, not a fire trap in a comedy club’s basement kitchen without windows or protocol but with a fully stocked bar and unlimited french fries.
**Actually, it means nothing. The internet and baby naming sites have diluted the answers but back when Geocities was a legit home page, a search yielded little to no results for the meaning or origination. The best answer way back then was that it was the original name of Wales. Also, I have never found a Kambri older than me but do know for certain a few girls named Kambri because of me. That’s cool. As long as they don’t fu*k up the good chi.
***Wish I were joking.