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>The Cat is Out of the Bag

>It’s official: The Meow Mix House will be aired on Animal Planet! Even better, my pal Keith got a photo credit for the Associated Press article that just hit the wires today.

View photos of the house and cats on my Flickr page once Flickr stops being a Dickr.

More radio tomorrow, gave out lots of free tickets and can’t wait to see my mom and Tigger and, of course, my jailed deaf dad. I’m reading again at Chicks & Giggles on Tuesday, June 13th right after the grand opening of the Meow Mix House. Since time has been sparse what with working on house and planning a “wedding”, I think I’ll just read the same piece I’ve read before. Unless Dad provides me with some more gems like on the last visit and I’m able to whip something out on the flight home. It’s 93 here. How the hell am I supposed to smuggle in a hamburger?

Still trying to get Entertainment Tonight, et al. to commit to covering it. Any connections? Send me a note!