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>Dining on my pal’s rooftop over the weekend and enjoying the company, I discovered a new game: BOGGLE. Excellent! I want a travel sized one for my birthday in June so I sent the request to Christian. A $5 game and plenty of time to sit in the sun playing along with a bottle of wine. What could be better? And we’ll be in Austin, to boot, so the sun is pretty much guaranteed. I can’t wait!

In anticipation of that trip and our annual trek to Houston, I’ve been contacting old friends IN ADVANCE to hopefully have some mini-reunions. That whole advance thing is important. Another reason I sent my Boggle request to Christian so there’s a full three weeks to prepare. I actually almost bought it myself then realized that’s a really lame thing to do when there’s a gift giving occasion on the horizon. Too late to stop the shipment of my three new Fossil watches. Oops. If only Boggle made a watch-sized version.

Seriously. Check out Fossil…they have some great stuff out these days! I couldn’t resist!