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>Change of Plans

>On our way over to watch Talladega Nights, the Today Show called. Christian may or may not be on a pre-taped piece to air tomorrow morning. They need to green light the segment first but we’ll know in the next half hour or so. Stay tuned.

We checked the mail and headed back home. If the item is nixed, we’ll just push our plans to a later showing…the bonus of living one block from a 16 screen movie theater. This is the third time our efforts to catch this movie were thwarted.

Meanwhile, I watched the screeners for The Class and The Winner. After having read and re-read the scripts last February, it was interesting to see the final casting choices and note the script changes.

Today Show’s calling. It’s a GO. Gotta run. Reviews of the sitcom pilots and info on the Today Show segment to follow later tonight.