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>Stuff and Things

>Christian sold out all six shows at the DC Improv! Kudos to him, again…he sold out in Ft. Lauderdale, too. Atta boy!

Tonight, I’m reading on The Family Hour in Ochi’s Lounge while Richard Lews slays them upstairs in the showroom. I’ll be running up and down the stairs hoping to manage both but am determined not to drive myself crazy. I really need to get back to writing and I have high hopes for that this weekend. It won’t do myself any favors if I exhaust myself before the weekend even starts.

Richard was on Keith Olbermann last night which reminded me how long it’s been since Christian has been a guest. It’s been since Christmas, I think. Gotta get him back on soon! Meanwhile, catch him on Best Week Ever on VH1 tonight, as usual.
