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>Rachel‘s cat caught FOUR mice yesterday! Lots of folks were moving yesterday so I guess they were flushed out and picked the wrong place to hide. I haven’t seen any in a few days but I hear them grab Paquita’s food every now and then. Time for some serious extermination.

Yesterday was spent at the DMV (renewing my expired license) and Macy’s (picking out Christian‘s shirt & tie for the wedding). Two worse places were never created. Seriously maddening day so we capped it off with pomegranate margaritas and My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Uma Thurman and the other woman were genuinely funny & charming and the premise is a great idea, but the movie is flawed. I love all three male leads (Luke Wilson, Rainn Wilson & Eddie Izzard) but they are terribly mis-cast. Christian actually screen-tested for Rainn’s part so he already knew most of the plot which was a buzz kill.

As for the wedding, the only outstanding things are the vows and the music. I can’t convince Christian to let me enter to AC/DC’s “She’s Got Balls” (seriously, listen to the intro and tell me that it wouldn’t rule?) and every other song is too stupid and cheesy and mushy. Gag. He also won’t let me wear my strapless leopard print dress as my wedding dress so I think I will wear it to the VH1 / Old Navy party tomorrow night.

Speaking of wedding stuff, check out the latest drawing / advice from My Jailed Deaf Dad.